In Touch – 1 Minute Communication Tip

In Touch: Communication Tip

Be a success in the office and life with this one simple communication tip! Less than 1 minute-

Posted by Kathleen C Olivieri on Monday, February 29, 2016

For the latest communication tip, watch this 1 minute video and read this article!

When talking with others, many times people listen to reply. Instead, you can be an EXCELLENT communicator by Listening to Understand.

There is a difference in listening to reply and listening to understand. Rather than speaking to reply, you should be focused on understanding what the other person is saying.

Why is Listening to Understand important?

  1. Communication tip that will lead to success in business and life.
  2. You will become more respected by others.
  3. You will be viewed as a better communicator.
  4. You may the other person the “hero” in the conversation.

Do NOT listen to reply. When you listen to reply, you make communication all about you and not the other person. Put the focus on the other person!

I challenge you to focus on what the other person is saying.

This tip will help you be successful (and well liked) in your business and in your personal life!

Have a great day,

Communication Tips

About Kathleen C Olivieri, PhD