3 Tips for Quote Graphics

3 Tips for Quote Graphics: Get More Attention By Being Positive

Quote Graphics are an essential part of most social media strategies. And why not? We love motivational and inspiration quotes! In a world full of mean tweets and negative news, reading positive messages can be a mental life saver.

1- The Fear of Missing Out (FOMO)

You see these great graphics and images and think, “why can’t that be me”?

FOMO is real. But don’t let FOMO consume you. Rather, let FOMO be a motivator to do something about it!

2. Get in the Game! Take Action!

You don’t need to have the best graphics or the best quotes.

The main thing – are you taking action? Are you putting quote graphics on your social media channels?

Are you taking advantage of products that are available?

There are social media packages that you can purchase that are very low cost. 

Done for You social media images!

Take advantage of the ability to purchase quote graphics that are ready to post! Don’t reinvent the wheel!

3. Branding

As you are posting and sharing positive messages with your followers, make certain you are branding these images!

Brand your images by including your name, website or logo on the image!

Branding your images will set you apart and remind people of YOU.


About Kathleen C Olivieri, PhD