The Spirit of Grace – A Book Review

The Spirit of Grace - A Book Review

The Spirit of Grace

The Spirit of Grace

Sit back, relax and get ready for a great Gothic novel by a Mississippi author! The Spirit of Grace by Terry Lynn Thomas is a book you don’t want to miss –

Full Disclosure

The author is a friend of mine, and she currently lives in Mississippi. . Allow me to clarify that in a small southern town everyone you know is referred to as a friend. But, you might call us “acquaintances” more than friends. She migrated to the Magnolia state from San Francisco about 10 years ago. I met Terry through her husband who is a super talented jazz musician


Book Club

Graciously, Terry agreed to visit our local book club to discuss her book. We were fortunate to have a 2-hour discussion about many topics. Terry took all of my (stupid) questions and was a marvelous guest! My favorite part was listening to Terry share her process of writing. I was amazed at her discipline and the seriousness in which she took her responsibilities as a writer. She talked about attending writing conferences, becoming published and her timelines for books 2, 3 and 4! Hopefully, Terry will post online videos once she finishes book 3 in the series. You will enjoy hearing directly from her!

Terry Lynn Thomas and Me

Terry Lynn Thomas and Me


Set in the 1940’s in San Francisco, Sarah doesn’t remember the night her mother died. Under suspicion that she could have been the murderer, Sarah was sent to a mental asylum. A year later, she returned home, and that’s when the plot takes off!

Overall impression

Thanks to the American Girl doll, Molly, the culture of 1940’s America is alive and well in my mind! Molly is a doll that is set in the 1940’s – books, clothes, stories, furniture, etc. My daughter had a Molly doll, and my mother enjoyed filling in the gaps about 1940’s America.

In the book, Terry takes the reader on a welcomed excursion in a time where women had few choices and little control over their life. While that might sound depressing, Sarah is a quiet, strong woman who saves herself. The plot has an impressive and absolutely unexpected twist at the end! I was shocked!

Who would enjoy this book?

The novel will appeal to readers who enjoy historical fiction with a little romance! The book will not take a long time to read and has a positive feel.


About Kathleen C Olivieri, PhD