Top 10 Tips to Show Power and Confidence

Display Power and ConfidenceDisplaying power and confidence is not a “natural” trait, although some may be more comfortable with it. Rather, displaying power and confidence is a learned skill. So – if you need more power and confidence, then this is for YOU!

Communicating is a big part of how you can display power and confidence. I have 10 main tips that I teach my university students.

Nonverbal Communication is what we communicate without saying a word. Nonverbal includes clothing, hairstyle, body movement, etc.

Did you know that your Nonverbal Communication is MORE Powerful than Verbal Communication?

So – you need to pay attention to the Nonverbal tips below to help you display power and confidence.

Nonverbal Tips

1- Clothing
Your clothing sends a message before you open your mouth. Does your clothing say that you are a business professional, college student or party guy?

2- Hair and Makeup
Be you – but also realize that your hair and makeup can get your attention in the wrong way. To show power, you must have a hairstyle that is admired by the people you seek to influence.

3- How you Walk
Walking timidly or wobbling in ill-fitting shoes or looking at the floor when you walk, screams that you have no confidence! I like to say, “Walk with a Purpose”. Don’t take timid steps. Keep your head high and look at people as you walk by.

4- Handshake
You are evaluated in the business world by your handshake. Your handshake MUST be firm. If you have the handshake that says “wet fish” or has no real firm grip, you must remedy this immediately!

5- Active Listening
Having power and confidence does NOT mean dominating the conversation. Rather, listening will make you more likeable and therefore, more powerful. If you are confident in your abilities, then listening will be easier for you. While you listen, you must actually listen! You show the other person you are listening through nonverbal head shakes, facial expressions, etc.


6- Tone of Voice
Want to get attention and sound professional? Lower the tone of your voice and talk slower.

  • Say this really high pitched, fast and loud.
  • “Hi, I’m so glad to see you. Today is a great day, and we are going to have a creative session.”
  • Say the same sentences but lower the tone of your voice and talk slowly.

Every time I’ve tried this experiment with a group, they are amazed with the difference!

7- Pronunciation
Like it or not – how you pronounce words is important. You are judged by your diction, pronunciation of words.

8- Grammar
Grammar continues to be important with educated groups. If you want to display power and confidence, you must speak similarly to that group.

9- Don’t end sentence like a question
Females have a tendency to end a sentence with the voice getting higher and it almost signals a question. Statements should be make, not questions! Do you end your sentence like a question? If yes, then you are seeking validation and approval of what you are saying.

10- Eye Contact
Absolutely one of the most important traits to convey power and confidence.

The bottom line is that you want to be “yourself” and not worry about the multitude of things that a communication coach might tell you. Rather, be mindful of your communication because it says so much about who you are!

Talk to you soon,


About Kathleen C Olivieri, PhD