Having a Fun Summer

Is it summer fun or do your kids say, “I’m bored”? Share what happens with your kids-

Posted by Kathleen C Olivieri on Monday, August 3, 2015

As a parent, we feel responsible for insuring that our family has a “good” summer. We plan and schedule in hopes that everyone will be happy. Summer plans can be learning adventures, traveling, visiting a friend, going to a swimming pool or participating in sporting events.

Here are 4 GREAT ideas for family adventures in the summer that don’t involve a lot of money.

1. Discover your community, area and state.
We don’t take advantage of what is in our “back yard”. Look online for festivals, museums, national parks, attractions. Look online as if you were not living in the area, but as a tourist. You will be amazed at what you will find.

2. Find free workshops, classes or day camps
Many communities offer fun workshops, classes or day camps that are free. Look online or ask in community Facebook groups. A sample post could be “I’m looking for some free workshops or classes for my kids who are 10 and 12 in the area. Would love suggestions.”

If your kids are too old to participate, have them volunteer to be a helper or counselor. Volunteering will teach your kids the value of serving others, give your kids confidence in their abilities to work with others and …….

3. When your child says “I’m bored”.
If your kid is bored, that is a good thing! Many kids are over-scheduled and need time to be bored, to explore their minds and then find activities that will get themselves out of boredom. Kids are responsible for their own fun and games too. Have a list of parent approved activities when your kids say this. Let them be responsible for completing the activities on the list! If your kid doesn’t like the list, have him/her research fun, free summer activities for kids. Get them involved in their own fun! I quickly search “when my kid says I’m bored” and found many lists that you can use!

4. Make an event “Special”.
In my house, I cook “special brownies”. I add chocolate chips to the box brownie mix and call it special. So, it’s not a special recipe or special anything – I only call it “special” and guess what? It is special. You can take an everyday, ordinary meal, event or game and make it be a “special” thing for your family by calling it special. Try it!

Allow your kids to be involved in the summer activity planning. This helps insure that everyone is committed to the family, has a voice in the decision making process and will participate in the summer fun! But remember, as parents you are not totally responsible to insure your kids are not bored – provide fun activities and opportunity that will allow them to have a great summer and maybe even learn a few things!

Have a great day,


About Kathleen C Olivieri, PhD

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